The Secret Jewish History of Hillary Clinton’s Gold Charm Bracelet

The Secret Jewish History of Hillary Clinton’s Gold Charm Bracelet

August 2, 2016
By Laura E. Adkins


You may have spotted a gold charm bracelet on Hillary Clinton’s arm recently. According to a February interview with Clinton and her daughter Chelsea in People Magazine, the bracelet, which features a photo of Hillary’s Jewish granddaughter Charlotte Mezvinsky, was designed by Monica Rich Kosann.

But according to an August 1 Hebrew-language article in Ynet, the Israeli designer Varda Singer, who is originally from Netanya and now lives in New York, claims to have designed the bracelet.

Singer’s company, ICD Contemporary Jewelry, is located in Chappaqua, New York. In addition to the Clintons, ICD’s website claims Vanessa Williams and Kim Van Gundy as celebrity clientele.

“The [bracelet] she is wearing now in all of her appearances is the one that I designed; I have no idea where People Magazine got the other designer’s name,“ Singer told the Forward by phone. “It is a gold bracelet and it has one charm — we designed the whole thing two years ago for Christmas.”

“Since I’m Israeli, I’m working with some very fine Israeli designers in Israel. A lot of the pieces we design for the Clintons are made by Israelis,” she added.

Singer said that the Clinton family makes an effort to shop locally in Chappaqua, New York, and are very friendly with the local shop owners. She also said that the Clintons have been her customers since 2001.

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